Knowbility's John Slatin AccessU 2025

23rd Annual John Slatin AccessU! Elevate Accessibility, Engage, Empower, Excel. Includes digital tree with branches that show icons that represent the different instructional categories such as UX Design, Testing, and Coding.
St. Edward's University, Austin, Texas

John Slatin AccessU is THE annual conference where tech professionals, content creators, policymakers, and advocates come together for deep learning in accessible digital design.

AccessU is an interactive and communal environment, providing you with practical tools to implement accessibility in your organization. You will learn about:

  • Digital accessibility for websites and apps
  • Document Accessibility
  • How to conduct user studies
  • Inclusive design skills

Whether you are a manager, code-slinger, designer, researcher, content creator, or any other role, you will learn from dozens of professional development classes across seven parallel tracks. Gain practical, applicable accessibility, and digital inclusion skills to meet current needs.

AccessU 2025 will feature our Pre-Conference Deep Dive workshops, general sessions, keynotes from international speakers, social events, and more!

AccessU will be hybrid again this year. Virtual attendees will participate through Zoom Events platform, while onsite attendees join us at the beautiful St. Edward's University campus located in Austin, Texas.