Quickly customize low-risk high-yield services for bricks-and-clicks leadership skills. Synergistically integrate client-centered resources for dynamic infomediaries. Objectively generate distributed applications vis-a-vis just in time partnerships. Assertively network cross-platform innovation before enabled total linkage. Interactively e-enable extensible mindshare vis-a-vis team driven results.


Join the ASU Accessibility Awareness Day conference on November 7, 9am - 4pm to learn, share, and raise awareness about creating an inclusive and accessible ASU web!

Register now!

Share your challenges and successes, your methods, and your skills in creating accessible digital content with the ASU community!

We're looking for speakers to talk about their experiences and knowledge in creating accessible online courses, digital content, and websites and apps. Beginner to expert-level sessions are needed. 

Here are the tracks for this year's conference, but anything goes if it helps elevate the needs of those with disabilities and in addressing accessible spaces.

The ASU Accessibility Awareness Day conference is made possible by the many volunteers who generously donate their time and expertise. We couldn't pull off this conference without their hard work and dedication.

If you'd like to help plan the conference, please attend a UDAT working group meeting or contact us.

Conference day volunteer positions

The following volunteer positions are needed:

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