Become an ASU Digital Accessibility Liaison

Liaisons are ASU employees who volunteer to learn about and help promote digital accessibility at ASU.

Membership in the Digital Accessibility Liaisons network is open to all ASU faculty and staff, although it is recommended that candidates are comfortable with common technology used at the university (MS Office, Adobe PDFs, Canvas) and have a basic understanding of HTML. No previous experience with or knowledge of accessibility is required.

Liaison volunteers must be willing to assist colleagues and share knowledge about digital accessibility with their peers, departments, and schools. Many units request that liaisons are approved by their Distributed Technology (DT) Lead. Please check with your DT Lead before completing the application.

If you'd rather participate in the liaisons without becoming an official volunteer, you can request to be added to the group's DL and monthly calendar meeting series. You do not have to be a liaison to attend meetings and join the conversation.

For questions about ASU's Digital Accessibility Liaisons, contact ASU's Accessibility team.

What is your accessibility experience?
Most liaisons join with no experience or knowledge of accessibility. On a scale of 1-5, what is your knowledge level?