Web Accessibility Testing

Resources and instructions

Before watching the workshop video (below), please follow these steps to prepare your computer or laptop.

Step 1: Windows and Mac prep

  • Windows: If you use a Windows machine, please go to to nvaccess.org, click the orange Download button, and install NVDA before the workshop. 
  • Mac: If you use a Mac, your machine comes preloaded with the screen reader VoiceOver. You may need to make two adjustments to other settings, however.
    • In System preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts, make sure "Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls" is checked.
      The Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls setting in Mac System preferences
    • In Safari > Preferences > Advanced, make sure "Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage" is checked.
      The Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage setting in Safari Preferences

Step 2: Download keyboard shortcut cheat sheets

Download the keyboard cheat sheet and one screen reader cheat sheet:

  1. Keyboard shortcut cheat sheet
  2. Either:

Step 3: Download automated accessibility checkers

Install these browser accessibility checker extensions in your favorite browser:

Step 4: Open a test page

Just before the meeting, open a webpage that you'd like to test. If you don’t have a page to test, you can use one of these demo pages that are purposely loaded with accessibility problems:


W3C Specifications


Learn more
